Another Pagaruyung Palace burnt in W. Sumatra

Another Pagaruyung palace was burned down in West Sumatra at around 1.30 a.m. on Sunday.

The fire turned the palace, the Istano Silinduang Bulan, into ashes.

“The walls were made from wood and were decorated with Minang [West Sumatran] embroidery. Some interior parts of the palace were also charred,” Tanahdatar Tourism Agency chief Alfian Jamrah, told The Jakarta Post on Sunday.

The police are investigating the cause of the fire, he said.

The Basa Pagaruyung Palace also burned down on Feb. 27, 2007, after being struck by lightning.

The renovation of the Basa Pagaruyung Palace is almost complete, said Alfian. (Syofiardi Bachyul Jb)
