
"Gasing" is a Malay word for top. Gasing or top spinning is a traditional game of the Malays. It was a popular pastime and recreation among children and adults alike who lived in kampongs.

In Singapore, however, its popularity declined as more and more people moved to public flats. In an effort to revive and promote the games, gasing enthusiasts established the Gasing Federation in Jul 1979.

Basically, there are two types of gasing. One is ornamental - strictly for display purposes and the other is for playing. There are five different shapes of tops - plate-shaped, heart-shaped, flat-top, egg-shaped and ‘berembang‘-shaped. ‘Berembang‘ is the fruit of a seaside tree.

Method of Play:
Number of Participants: The number is not fixed. It can be played in teams or individually.

Equipment: Wooden tops and strings

Aim: To keep the top spinning for as long as possible within a specified area

For individual play:
A circle is drawn depicting the area in which the top must spin.
A string is tightly wound clockwise round the base of the top, beginning from the nail.
The player clasps the top in his hand, gripping the loose end of the string between the fingers.
He throws the top into the circle and swings the string backwards to give the top a spinning effect.
If the top spins out of the circle, the player loses the game.
The one whose top outspins the rest wins the game
For team play:

Circles are drawn for each team.
Players from each team spin their tops into the respective circles at the same time.
When the top stops or spins out of the circle, the next member of the team should quickly throw in his top.
The team whose last top outspins the rest wins the game.

Source : (4 April 2007)