Najib Reminds Malays Of The Glokal Concept

Kuala Lumpur- Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak reminded Malays to hold firmly to the "glokal" concept, telling them that while they excelled on the world stage they should not forget their place of origin.

He said Malays who sought and achieved success elsewhere, including overseas, should not forget the village they came from and should find ways to "return the favour".

"After we have travelled far ... when the time comes, we should return the favour to our place of origin.

"As the saying `Think Global, Act Local` goes, even when our thoughts have reached out to the whole world, our actions must be locally oriented," he said at a Family Day organised by the Kelab Anak Wawasan Pekan for Malays from Pekan, Pahang, who had excelled elsewhere.

The "glokal" concept encapsulates a Malay who is recognised for his mental ability and values at the international level and having a role on the world stage but who is, at the same time, great in the country because of his success and resilience rooted in Islam, the Malay culture and natural heritage.

Najib had introduced the concept at the 56th Umno General Assembly in 2005. The word "glokal" is formed from the words "global" and "lokal" (local).

Najib. who also hails from Pekan, said Malays who had acquired wide experience and knowledge elsewhere could help in the development of their respective places of origin.

"As an elected representative, I have the dream to bring more intensive development to my constituency but the journey is a long one," he said.

Najib said his statement was not meant to fan the spirit of narrow parochialism in any way but was made to ensure that those who went far in search of fortune did not forget their roots.

"I only hope that those who have achieved success in the federal capital or other places will remember their place of origin, which in itself will inspire them to do something for their respective villages," he said.

Source: (24 Juni 2007)