Brunei SSEAYP Contingent Holds Preview To N-Day Performance

Bandar Seri Begawan - Brunei contingent for the Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Programme (SSEAYP) 2007 held a preview to National Day cultural performance and exhibition at Dewan Digadong, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports last Saturday.

Present as the guest of honour was Awang Haji Matassim bin Haji Jibah, Director of Youth and Sports.

The event began with a recital of al-Fatihah and doa selamat by Awang Muhammad Hifnee bin Kifli, a participant of SSEAYP. It was followed by a speech from the guest of honour and a welcoming speech fromAwang Haji Muhammad Hafiy bin Haji Abdullah Fung, National Leader of Brunei Darussalam SSEAYP 2007.

"I have just come back from attending the first Cruise Operating Committee (COC) at the Cabinet Office, Tokyo, Japan, which was held on September 5 and 6. It was attended by contingent leaders from countries in Asean and Japan, President of the International Youth Exchange Organisation (IYEO), ship administrator and members of the ship administration for 2007.

"Aside from getting to know the ship‘s administration along with the contingent leaders from countries in Asean and Japan, the meeting was aimed at distinguishing and learning more about the organisation structure of the Youth Ship, duties of contingent leaders, rules of the programme and activities to be held and many more," said Awang Haji Muhammad Hafiy.

"This year‘s theme is ‘Youth Participation In Social Activities‘, which is divided into eight topics namely Cross Cultural Understanding, Environment, Information, International Relations, School Education, Traditional Culture, Volunteer Activities and Youth Development," he added.

"The exhibition this year will not be held at the ship like previous years. Since Japan is the first country to be visited, the exhibition will be held at the National Youth Centre, Tokyo, Japan," said the National Leader of Brunei Darussalam SSEAYP.

Sponsors who presented shirts, bags and food to the contingent leader were given souvenirs of appreciation.

During the event, there was a fashion show of different attire that will be worn during the SSEAYP 2007 and continued with plays of National Day by participants of the upcoming SSEAYP 2007.

Also present last Saturday were Pg Sanri bin Pg Haji Mohammad, Deputy Director of Youth and Sports; Awang Haji Jailani bin Haji Ibrahim, President of Bersatu Association; senior officers of Youth and Sports and representatives of sponsors, as well as parents and guardians of youth participating in the SSEAYP 2007.

Source: (12 September 2007)