Malay Bala`s Oriental Expression

Malaysia - Delicate visual beauty that builds on smooth wash of colours and subtle lines is the speciality of Oriental art. This may be considered a limitation by many, but it has been a staple for a lot of art exponents. Artist Malay Bala is fully into this watercolour-based mode of art. His works are certainly in conformity with this distinct oriental characteristic. Portraying human figures is his forte. Following academic oriental style of rendering figures, mostly female, Malay has composed many canvases. Speciality of Mala‘s works remains in his power of imagination, use of vibrant colours and use of new mediums. Usually Oriental artists use watercolour in wash mediums, however, Malay has created a few washes in acrylic. Another aspect of his composition is dealing with sub-continental classics.

A six-day solo exhibition by the artist titled “Oriental: My Style of Expression” was held recently at Zainul Art Gallery at the Institute of Fine Arts. Thirty-two art works by Malay were on display.

Malay has created imaginary paintings of legendary poet Kalidas‘ celebrated character Shakuntala. As Kalidas‘ narration suggests, in Malay‘s paintings Shakuntala has been featured living harmoniously in the midst of nature, playing with her friends such as Priangbada. In most of the canvases of Shakuntala series, female figures and the creepers on Ashwath tree are interwoven by delicate lines with wash mediums. Shakuntala with Friends 5 and 6 are two big canvases where images of the figures are clear and prominent. Shakuntala 30 bringing in the mythical character plucking flowers exudes serenity. Use of vibrant colours like gerua (saffron), red, yellow and neat presentation of the figures are noteworthy.

Like many oriental artists, Malay also has featured the blissful beauty of female forms in his classical music and classical dance series. Here too Malay is exceptional in his use of colours and bold lines.

Sport Held in Honour of Lord Krishna by Malay deserves a special mention. Many figures in sporty mood have been presented using vibrant colours in this canvas.

Another striking series done by Malay is Belonging to Another. Usually the Oriental artists highlight the beauty of flowers. However, Malay‘s images of pollens of flowers address the issue of infidelity.

Two calligraphies and one drawing by the artist were also on display.

Source: (11 September 2007)