Malaysian High Commissioner Celebrates With Iban Community

Malaysia - The new Malaysian High Commissioner to Brunei Darussalam, Dato‘ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari, urged the Malaysian community to keep the good name and image of Malaysia, while at the same time respect and obey rules and regulations of the Sultanate.

The community must maintain and respect the people and their culture here said the high commissioner in a brief speech at a gathering held in conjunction with Malaysia‘s 50th national day celebration in Kg Sg Akar recently.

The Malaysian community here should be thankful to the Brunei government for giving them the opportunity to work and earn a living in the country.

The event was organised by the Iban community living in Kg Sg Akar and Kg Belimbing Subok Municipal Barrack. Most of the Iban community here are members of PWM.

Upon arrival, the high commissioner received a traditional Iban welcome by men and young girls wearing traditional Iban attire.

The function began with the singing of patriotic songs "Kerana Mu Malaysia" and "Jalur Gemilang" by members of the organising committee and guests.

The highlight of the event was the cutting of the Merdeka cake by the high commissioner together with the President of PWM, Mr Simon D Gelan, as well as members of the community.

Dato‘ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari and guests also witnessed Ngajat performances - a popular Iban traditional dance, as well as a lucky draw. Furthermore, a live band performance was also held by the community‘s own band "Rentak Ruai". The group is well known among the local community and the neighbouring town.

During the event, Dato‘ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari was impressed by the efforts and commitment shown by the organising committee in arranging the event, which showed the understanding and unity of the Malaysian community in the country.

The event was aimed at giving the community, which is mostly Iban from Sarawak working with the Municipal Department, the opportunity to mingle and meet with the high commissioner.

Source: (5 September 2007)