Najib Calls For Strategic Cooperation With Indonesia

Makassar, Sulsel - Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said today Malaysia and Indonesia need to strengthen bilateral relations by developing strategic cooperation beyond the traditional axis.

The deputy prime minister said that although both countries shared strong traditional ties in terms of stock, culture, history and faith, current demands called for them to take more pragmatic steps for mutual benefit.

"Both our countries, which come from the same stock, should be mindful of the present reality to respond to the challenges together for the next 50 glorious years," he said in his acceptance speech upon being conferred an honorary doctorate in Political Economics from Universiti Hasanuddin here.

Najib said that to strengthen the relationship, both countries needed to promote strategic cooperation based on mutual interest in the economy, socio-culture and international politics, technology and education.

Looking at the diplomatic relations between the two countries, both of which commemorated their golden jubilee this year, he said the past five decades seen ups and downs but paradoxically, their relationship remained strong because of the stock factor which served as a unifier.

Najib said efforts to strengthen Malaysia-Indonesia bilateral ties would also reinforce and enhance Asean‘s stability.

Present at the ceremony were Indonesian Vice-President Jusuf Kalla, National Education Minister Bambang Soedibyo and South Sulawesi Governor Muhammad Amin Syam and Malaysia Higher Education Minister Datuk Mustapa Mohamed and Information Minister Datuk Seri Zainuddin Maidin.

Speaking to Malaysian journalists later, Najib said the two countries should take more realistic steps in strategic fields which could be jointly developed based on the win-win principle.

"We need to identify in general the existing advantages and strengths of the two countries. For example, Indonesia has plenty of land, numerous resources and unlimited workforce while Malaysia has capital, technology and management expertise.

"If we combine the two, we can strengthen our cooperation for mutual benefit," he said.

Najib said both countries could identify certain areas for joint participation.

On problems causing the ups and downs in the Malaysia-Indonesia relationship, he said whatever problems could be settled amicably.

This was because of the strong foundation and understanding between the leaders of the two countries, particularly the close ties between Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Najib said that was why the working visits like the one he is making now was in line with the two countries‘ aspirations to keep the door for dialogues and discussions, either formally or otherwise, open.

"We will also strive at all times to strengthen personal ties that will put us in a comfort zone and spill over to formal matters," he said.

Source: (14 September 2007)