Proper Guide To Writing Islamic Literature

Bandar Seri Begawan - The Islamic Creative Writing workshop, an event at the Knowledge Convention held in conjunction with the 61st Birthday Celebrations of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, ended yesterday morning at Balai Sarmayuda, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Berakas with pledges from writers to enhance the quality of their writing products in order to promote Islam as a religion of faith and peace.

Present as the guest of honour was Awang Hj Ahmad bin Hj Abd Rahman, Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.

A representative of the participants, Hj Moksin bin Hj Abd Kadir, said the workshop had guided them on the right methodologies to be utilised towards producing Islamic literature.

"We have learnt that creative writers need to exert care when entering an unfamiliar frontier. This workshop has guided us into proper writing, which is in line with Islamic faith and beliefs. "We now understand that Islamic literature is the objective artistic expression of man, life and universe from an Islamic perspective, a pioneer activity and a responsibility of Muslim writers, and a spontaneously committed endeavour emanating from full abidance to the Islamic faith and take part with the message of great Islam," he said.

Meanwhile, a representative from the workshop guides, Mohd Zefri Ariff bin Mohd Zain Ariff, said the event managed to group together creative writers under one roof for a dialogue session meant to find ways to enhance their ways of thinking and writing.

He added that Islamic literature is a tool of building good citizens and societies and a means of call to the way of Allah and defence of the Muslim identity.

"It is hoped that creative writers would produce quality products that could reach a bigger audience globally," he said.

Three participants, Hj Masri Hj Idris, Dk Ratna Suria Pg Dato Hj Hamzah and Hj Kiflee Tarsat, recited poems at the closing ceremony.

The guest of honour also delivered souvenirs to workshop guides and participants.

Over the past four days, about 80 registered workshop participants listened to talks by Pehin Dato Ustaz Hj Awang Abd Aziz Juned (Islamic and Islamic-based Creative Writings), Pehin Dato Ustaz Hi Yahya Hj Ibrahim (Islamic Theory in Creative Writing), Prof Madya Dr Hj Hashim Hj Abd Hamid (The Value of Islamic Thinking and Philosophy), Prof Datuk Dr Hj Hashim Awang (Islamic Creative Literature Concept/Islamic Creative Writing), Mohd Zefri Ariff (Techniques of Islamic Creative Writings/Image Transformation), and Hj Osman bin BPSKDSS Hj Mohd Tamin (Aesthetics of Literature/The Value of Islamic Thinking and Philosophy).

Mohd Zefri Ariff also provided writing practices and discussions at the event.

Source: (7 September 2007)