Rediscovering Senses Through Dance

Singapore - A dance troupe is all set to dance their way into the audience‘s senses.

From the 14th to 16th September, the Dance Horizon Troupe (Singapore) presents ‘Senses‘, a contemporary dance item at The Arts House.

‘Senses‘ is a dance presentation aimed at bringing the audience into a journey of their five senses, and perhaps, even triggering the sixth.

According to Benedict Soh, Dance Director of the Dance Horizon Troupe, this dance was choreographed because he found that people do not use their senses enough.

"The senses that have been brought to us since day one when we were born are senses which we neglect subconsciously. And I find that these are very beautiful and raw materials we can explore and further develop."

Mr Soh said that audiences will be involved in very unconventional ways, while seated comfortably at all times – they will be able to engage, feel and be part of the performance.

"We are hoping to achieve this where at the end of this production, when the audience walks out from the chamber, they will have a different (perspective) of our human senses, and (think) about the senses which are neglected on normal days."

The troupe is made up of local dancers with keen interest in the art form, but Mr Soh said that it has been difficult to get local youngsters to embrace contemporary dance.

However, with the introduction of art forms of sorts to schools by the Ministry of Education and the National Arts Council, young Singaporeans are starting to come into contact with the arts from a young age.

Mr Soh said that the key to embracing art is understanding the true beauty in it, and hopes that younger Singaporeans can keep the arts scene flourishing.

"We are working hard to cultivate and further develop... (the interests of) local young artists... As for the local arts scene, I think Singapore is really building up."

The Dance Horizon Troupe is a non-profit local dance group which advocates originality and creativity in the art of dance, with an aim in cultivating the interests of local youths in pursuing dance.

Source: (8 September 2007)