RI Ambassador in Prague Launches Indonesian Literature Book

London - Indonesian Ambassador to the Czech Republic Prof. Salim Said, who is a Ph.D in political science and a film critic, launched a book on Indionesian literature "Harimau-Harimau" (tigers) translated into Czech by former Chech Ambassador to Indonesia Jaroslav Olsa, at Wisma Duta Praha.

The book, written by Mochtar Lubis, recipient of a Ramon Magsaysay prize from the Philippines government in 1958, was launched along with a book of short stories by Motinggo Boesje, Idrus, Kuntowijoyo, Saut Situmorang and Putu Wijaya, Gustaav Ferdinandus of the Indonesian embassy in Prague said in London.

Gustaav said that Indonesian leading novelist and man of letters Putu Wijaya, was preoccupies and could not attend the launching, but instead, on his trip to Europe by the end of July 2007, Putu Wijaya planned to visit Prague to stage his monologue which he only recently did in Jakarta.

The book luanching, attended by publishers, sponsors, Prague international book exhibition organizers, academicians, Czech writers association, and Indonesians, was part of the month-long art and culture event of the Indonesian embassy in Prague.

Several days earlier, the Indonesian embassy in Prague held two art performances and a seminar on Islam and democratization in Indonesia, Gustaav Ferdinandus said.

Source: www.antara.co.id (2 Juli 2007)