Seameo`s Board Meet To Update Members

Bandar Seri Begawan - Seameo Voctech 18th Governing Board Meeting opened yesterday with all Seameo members along with Germany and France as affiliate member present at the Seameo Voctech Regional Centre.

The three day meeting is aimed to inform all members of the board on the implementation of its mandate in strengthening and improving vocational and technical education and training through human resource development in Southeast Asia

According to Lim Jock Cheng the Chairman of Seameo Voctech Governing Board, this year‘s meeting will look at its programmes and accomplishment, at the same time leading the Centre to proactive and progressive directions.

Twenty-five working papers identifying Vocational Technical Educational Training (VTET) practices in member‘s respective countries will be presented in the meeting, which the chairman hopes, coupled with corresponding directions will benefit members of Seameo in their quest to enhance and improve their own training activities programmes and to come out with better equipment and knowledge to surmount today‘s fast changing times.

"Member‘s objective outlook and viewpoint are catalyst or guidelines in the implementation of quality training programmes and empowered Southeast Asian teachers, education officers and school administrators," he said.

Mohammad Abu Bakar, Director of Seameo Voctech regional centre also disclosed that since last year‘s governing board meeting, Brunei Darussalam have conducted a number of VTET training programmes, as regular, customised and in country courses, and is currently carrying out research networking and capacity building project, strengthening measures on information services and held community development programmes.

This, he said, have enhanced the centre‘s capacity to venture into meaningful projects and materialise and support Brunei‘s Ministry of Education‘s goal an ICT centre for Seameo Voctech.
This year‘s Governing Board Meeting also welcomes Timor Leste as the 11th member of Seameo alongside Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Source: (5 September 2007)