Centre Of Excellence For Special Education Planned

Bandar Seri Begawan - The Education Ministry is planning to set up a centre of excellence for special education to fullfil and improve special education programmes produce individuals who are more independent and capable of contributing to the development of the country to the best of their abilities.

Acting Minister of Education Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Dr Hj Mohammad Pengiran Hj Abd Rahman said that the plan was part of the ministry‘s effort to strengthen the country‘s education policy, including special education as the development of children with special needs was crucial for they too could become active members and contributors of society.

Speaking at a gathering to raise public awareness on issues face by people with special needs yesterday, the acting minister said that children with special needs should not be left behind by their normal peers.

"In some developed countries half of the children with special education needs have successfully completed their university level education and have moved on to gain recognition as philosophers or professors," he said.

He pointed out that "Brunei is no exception as we have the potential to produce similar results with our children that require special education.

"The task of educating special needs children should not be left entirely to the Ministry of Education, as the responsibility should be shared equally among the stake holders involved. This means parents, teachers, guardians and so on."

"We should all cooperate in the development of our children whether they are in government or private schools and avoid discriminating against normal or special needs children," he said adding that all parties should carry out their responsibilities in order to produce a generation of learned and educated people.

Brunei is one of the countries that run an inclusive education policy requiring students to undergo 12 years of studying which is impartial to all children.

In other words children in the country should be enrolled in school for 12 years to achieve the minimum qualifications to enter into the field of work whether they are normal or require special education.

This is because only after 12 years of education including the completion of secondary education will children have the minimum capacity of knowledge to enter the world of employment.

The event held in conjunction with the International Day for Disabled Persons was organised by the Special Education Unit in cooperation with Fitrah (Persatuan Pendidikan Khas). It was also aimed to raise funds for the education of people with special needs, which numbers more than 5,000 registered with the special education unit.

The joint chairperson of the event, Hjh Norjum Hj Md Yusof, education deputy permanent secretary, speaking on behalf of Dato Paduka Hj Sheikh Adnan Sheikh Mohamad, the permanent secretary said that Fitrah is cooperating with relevant parties to implement the inclusive education system in Brunei by playing an active role in increasing the awareness of teachers, parents and the public of the needs of special children and the issues they face.

The charity gathering, held at the Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Complex, began with a special performance by students with special needs under the special education unit. Exhibition booths displaying the agencies involved in education of children with special needs, fun and games activities, sales booths and contests were among the many attractions at the event yesterday.

Another event organised by Fitrah and the Special Education Unit based on this year‘s theme "Decent Work for People with Disabilities is scheduled to be held today is a motivational seminar entitled ‘Listen to the Children‘.

The seminar will share the experiences and challenges faced by three special needs people who are currently studying in secondary and university levels.

Source: www.brudirect.com (3 Desember 2007)