FACTBOX-ASEAN charter declarations

Singapore - The Association of Southeast Nations (ASEAN) signs a charter on Tuesday, giving its 10 member states a legal identity, a first step towards its aim of a free trade area by 2015.

The charter also aims to protect the region‘s environment and human rights. ASEAN‘s 10 members are Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Here are some of the main declarations from a final draft of the charter:
To maintain and enhance peace and security in the region, and to preserve Southeast Asia as a nuclear weapon-free zone.
To create a single market and production base, which is highly competitive and economically integrated and has free flow of goods, services and investment, with facilitated movement of labour and freer flow of capital.
To strengthen democracy, enhance good governance and the rule of law, and to promote human rights. ASEAN shall establish a human rights body, with terms to be decided by foreign ministers.
To respect the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and national identity of all ASEAN member states.
The renunciation of aggression and threat or use of force in any matter inconsistent with international law, and reliance on peaceful settlements of disputes.
Non-interference in the internal affairs of member states.
To alleviate poverty and narrow the development gap within ASEAN.
To promote sustainable development to protect the environment, natural resources and cultural heritage.
To develop human resources and well-being through co-operation on education, equitable access to development opportunities, social welfare and justice.
To promote an ASEAN identity through awareness of culture.

Source: www.reuters.com (21 November 2007)