Kalla to open OANA meeting in Jakarta

Jakarta - Vice President Jusuf Kalla is scheduled to open the conference of the Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies, which will be held here from December 10 to 13, Antara reported.

The conference, which will be held in conjunction with the 70th anniversary of Antara news agency, will be attended by delegates from 33 OANA member countries.

"At least 100 media editors and leaders from 39 news agencies will attend the meeting. The Vice President will officially open the conference at the vice presidential office on Dec. 11," Antara president Ahmad Mukhlis Yusuf said after a meeting with Kalla on Wednesday.

The future of news agencies in the media convergence is among the topics that will be discussed during the event. Speakers will include Prof. Oliver Boyd-Berret of Ohio, the United States, who specializes in news agency studies.

Source: www.thejakartapost.com (6 Desember 2007)