Madrasah teachers to Learn More About Curriculum in Mainstream Schools

Singapore - A total of 25 teachers from six Islamic schools, or madrasahs, will soon enrol in a new diploma programme to learn more about the curriculum in mainstream schools.

This is made possible following an agreement between the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) and the National Institute of Education (NIE).

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed at the launch of the MUIS Academy, which is the new training and development arm of MUIS.

With the latest deal, the madrasah teachers will spend about 18 months to complete the part-time "Specialist Diploma in Teaching and Learning".

They will also undergo an eight-week practical module, which includes a visit to a primary and secondary school to observe teaching methods.

The MUIS Academy also signed an MOU with the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University in Jakarta.

With its new partner, the MUIS Academy will offer an inter-disciplinary postgraduate programme in Islamic Studies.

Speaking at the launch, Minister-in-Charge of Muslim Affairs Yaacob Ibrahim said the MUIS Academy could build an intellectually vibrant Muslim community.

Dr Yaacob said: "The challenge for MUIS Academy is to work to build a legacy, in the form of an institution of knowledge not just for the community but to benefit the nation, to serve not only our generation but future generations."

Source: (21 September 2007)