Make Quran Reading A Daily Habit, People Told

Brunei-Muara - Officers and staff at the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sports gathered at the Di-Gadong Hall yesterday in a ceremony to remember the Nuzul Al-Quran.

Present as the guest of honour were the Minister, Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Dewa Major General (Rtd) Dato Seri Pahlawan Haji Muhammad Haji Daud.

Also present was the chairperson, Pehin Jawatan Dalam Seri Maharaja Dato Seri Utama Dr Haji Mohd Jamil AlSufri Begawan Pehin Udana Khatib Dato Seri Paduka Haji Umar, head of History Centre as well as the permanent secretary and deputy permanent secretary. The event began with a recitation of several verses from the al-Quran followed by a speech and a Nuzul Al-Quran tazkirah by Dr Hj Mohd Hadi Mohd Melayong, the deputy chairperson.

Dr Hj Mohd Hadi spoke of the historic event that happened centuries ago whereby the first verses of AlQuran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), the last of the prophets through the angel Jibril.

He quoted a titah made by His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam during the 1992 Nuzul Al-Quran where he implored government officers and staff to make reading Al-Quran habitual "even if it is just a couple of, verses per day" before performing their individual tasks and duties. This was in His Majesty‘s view, the best way to gain the blessings and brilliance of al-Quran.

"There are many benefits to reading al-Quran, especially during the month of Ramadhan," said Dr Hj Mohd Hadi and he quoted several sabda made by Prophet Muhammad.

One of the particular sabda read: "The person who reads the al-Quran and is skilled will be rewarded with a place in heaven amongst the messengers. And those who read but are not skilled, reading it word by word and are not fluent, he will be rewarded twice the good deeds of those who are skilled in reading."

Dr Hi Mohd Hadi told the story of how the Prophet enjoyed listening to the recitation of al-Quran from other people according to a hadith. Those who understand the content of the al-Quran will benefit from the glory and impact of the holy book.

As an example, he reminded those present of the event leading to the conversion of Sayyidina Umar Al-Khattab to Islam - he, previously an enemy of Islam, was on his way to kill his sister after discovering that she and her husband had converted to Islam but upon hearing her read the verses from the al-Quran his heart softened and warmed to the religion.

Therefore, "let us glorify al-Quran and use the contents and lesson as a way of life. Let us make reading the al-Quran as a daily practice in our lives as a guiding light and the medicine for the diseases of the heart," he said.

He continued that even if one is not capable of reading it, "become an avid listeners to those who read Al-Quran."

The event continued with a collective recitation of the Surah Yassin and Tahlil by all those present, who were provided with a copy each. To bless the ceremony, a Doa Selamat was held towards the end.

Source: (6 Oktober 2007)