Malaysia Indians’ demand for equality

Kuala Lumpur - Charges of ethnic cleansing of Indians are ‘‘lies‘‘ designed to divide the races in this Muslim-majority country, an outraged Malaysian prime minister was reported as saying yesterday. He promised to resign if proved wrong.

The Hindu Rights Action Force, which organised a banned Nov 25 rally to demand equality and fair treatment, sent two letters to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown last month saying the Malaysian government was pursuing ‘‘ethnic cleansing‘‘ policies to drive out the Hindu minority, the group‘s leader, P. Uthayakumar said.

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi slammed the Hindu activists, saying there was no truth in the claim.

‘‘The allegations are all lies to deceive the Indians that they are an exploited race. Malaysians will not believe this,‘‘ The Sunday Star quoted Mr Abdullah as saying.

‘‘Ethnic cleansing is something that was done in Bosnia. We do not do it in this country.

‘‘I‘m really angry. I rarely get angry but this blatant lie cannot be tolerated at all,‘‘ he said on Saturday, adding that he would resign if there was proof of ethnic cleansing.

An aide to Mr Abdullah confirmed his comments, but gave no further details.

The Hindu group‘s letters urged the British government to lead international condemnation of Malaysia‘s government, Mr Uthayakumar said.

He said Mr Brown has not responded.

Some 10,000 Indians took part in the Hindu activists‘ protest last month in downtown Kuala Lumpur. Police dispersed the demonstration with tear gas and water cannons.

Mr Abdullah has threatened to invoke a security law that allows indefinite detention without trial to prevent future demonstrations.

Indians, who make up about 8% of Malaysia‘s 27 million people, say they suffer discrimination because of an affirmative action policy that favours Malay Muslims in jobs, education, business and government contracts.

They also complain Malaysia‘s government is becoming increasingly Islamic and is denying them their religious rights, citing the demolition of dozens of Hindu temples.

Ethnic Malays form about 60% of the population and control the government.

Hindu Rights Action Force chairman P. Waytha Moorthy was travelling to India, Europe and the United States to seek support and hoped to meet with UN officials as well.

Source: (3 Desember 2007)