Overseas Youth Program Participants Study Brunei

Bandar Seri Begawan - The participants of the Overseas Youth Program (OYP) visited Brunei Museum, Malay Technology Museum and the Royal Regalia building yesterday to gain more insights on the culture and heritage of the Sultanate.

The Overseas Youth Program is a joint participation between Bruneian and Singaporean students, hosted and conducted by Outward Bound Brunei Darussalam, in collaboration with the Co-Curriculum Department, Ministry of Education and Outward Bound Singapore.

The participants comprised of a total of 63 students, 31 Singaporean students and 32 Bruneian students aged between 15 to 17 years.

The students toured the building and viewed the various Royal Regalia that has been inherited from generation to generation and gained more understanding on the philosophy of Malay Islamic Monarchy.

The Overseas Youth Program is a twelve-day event which was divided into three phases: Adventure and Challenge, the main core of the programme, Mini Community Work Project and Cultural and Visit, which was a part of yesterday`s event.

Apart from the museums, the participants also had the opportunity to tour various shopping centres in the nation. The Overseas Youth Program, which began in 1999, is held twice in a year instead of once as it was originally designed. This is due to the positive responses and increase in the number of student participation.

Source: www.brudirect.com (18 Desember 2007)