Preserving The Nation`s Identity

Bandar Seri Begawan - More than 70 people joined a cleaning campaign, organised by Kampong Jerudong Consultative Council, at Jerudong Beach yesterday.

Kampong Jerudong chief Haji Mohd Rais Haji Ishak, who headed the campaign, said a clean environment is a source of pride for residents of Kampong Jerudong.

He also said while there have been many cleaning campaigns in the past, yesterday`s initiative was joined by various agencies such as the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Outward Bound Brunei Darussalam, Outward Bound Singapore, and residents of Kampong Jerudong.

Meanwhile, Outward Bound Brunei Darussalam training officer Hjh Sofinaz Haji Abdul Maj id said the objectives of the campaign were to preserve the national identity as a clean country, to instil a sense of responsibility among the people, and to encourage cultural exchanges between Brunei and Singaporean students.

For students of Outward Bound Brunei Darussalam and Singapore, the activity was part of their 12-day programme, which runs from December 7-18.

In the first i.tease of the programme, students took part in activities such as kayaking at Serasa Beach and camping.

Yesterday`s cleaning campaign was part of the second phase of their programme, while the next phase will see them pay a visit to various museums in the country, including the Royal Regalia.

According to Afendi of Outward Bound Singapore, the programme "allows them an opportunity for self-discovery through various activities".

"The biggest benefit comes from the community programme," he said. "We are happy to work with the Bruneians to conserve the nature`s gift - the beach. I hope the students can share their experiences when they return to Singapore."

Source: (17 Desember 2007)