Rendang & Ketupat rule Raya scene

Borneo - Rendang and Ketupat are synonymous with the Hari Raya celebration and this has stood the test of time. In this part of the world, one could say - what is Hari Raya without them? But not all things have remained the same, especially compared to more than 20 years ago in the pre-independent era.

In today`s society, people are moving faster and everything has to go according to some kind of schedule. This has somehow made the Raya celebration less exciting.

Decorative neon lights have replaced kerosene bamboo lamps, although a modern alternative of the lamp has become available to buy nowadays. SMS and emails have steadily replaced Raya cards. People also visit their family members and friends in quite a hurry.

A long time ago, each village would celebrate Hari Raya more coercively. Each kampong would hold some kind of activity during Raya with a lot of eager villagers taking part.

Hj Alimi, the Village Head of Kg Burung Pinggai Berakas, recalled how the kampong used to celebrate Raya in a more celebrative way. He said that a long time ago, it was a tradition for the village to organise mass house-to-house dzikirs, usually from the third day of Raya onwards, while visiting neighbours. He said that the activity is still practised, but by a much smaller group, mostly comprising elders.

He thinks that this is mainly because, compared to the past, families are now living dispersedly, especially due to the availability of national and private housing development areas. This is perhaps making it a bit harder for people to come together for Raya.

He added that it is important to preserve and promote activities such as this, which in a way will help with solidarity and at the same time enliven the spirits of family and camaraderie, as well as the celebrative atmosphere overall.

Hjh Salmah Hamid, in her late 80s, is currently taking this opportunity to sell Ketupat casings. She told the new generation to take heed of the new food, which contain ingredients and preservatives that are not only fattening, but also hazards to health.

These days, there are so many varieties of food, mostly industry-based processed ones, like chocolates, sweets, even biscuits and cakes, which contain ingredients that may be harmful if taken excessively.

Kids nowadays take them in gluttonous amounts. That is why we see youths and teenagers susceptible to diseases, she added. So she reminded everyone, especially the kids, to be more cautious of what they eat nowadays, especially given the many readymade cakes and biscuits being sold.

She said that her family also used kerosene bamboo lights during Raya and there were fewer varieties of fireworks, aside from the homemade bedil or firecrackers.

Meanwhile, former nurse Hjh Saritah Hj Suhaili, 50, said that back in her younger days, kids were often seen walking from house to house and that streets were packed with groups of merry children on their way to visit homes.

She also said that Brunei did not have as many TV programmes, therefore kids used to go out more. Now, with the many channels available on television, kids are often stuck at home waiting for their favourite shows to come on.

With the rise in the standard of living in Brunei, there are more cars, too. As such, "You will no longer see so many people walking by the roads." She is however pleased, as this means less hazards and accidents.

Hjh Pasah Abdullah, a stall owner, said that this year`s preparation was as usual and not out of the ordinary for her.

She added that she still had to do some last minute shopping for biscuits, although her daughter has been helping her a lot in preparing most of the food, much like how Hjh Pasah used to help her mother in her younger days.

Source: (17 Oktober 2007)