Bangka teachers to teach Indonesian in China

Bangka Belitung - Eight teachers from Pangkalpinang, capital of Bangka Belitung province, are expected to teach the Indonesian language at schools in Nanning province, Guang Xi, China, under an agreement between the two cities.

Edison Taher, Head of the local education office said here on Tuesday that the Indonesian teachers will teach Indonesian at the "Guang Xi overseas China School", a senior high school which has more than 4,000 students.

Before leaving for China, the teachers will undergo a tight selection by English teachers in Pangkalpinang, he said.

On the other hand, teachers from Nanning will teach Mandarin at several Senior High Schools which are grouped in the Sister School Cooperation Program, as SMK-2, SMK-3, SMA-1 and SMA-2, Edison said.

Mandarin has become a local content for Senior High School students in Pangkalpinang.

The students in Pangkalpinang who have mastered Mandarin and those in Nanning who had mastered the Indonesian language will receive a certificate, he said.

Ten Senior Vocational School (SMK) and Senior High School (SMA) students have been following Mandarin courses free of charge, he noted.

Source: (3 Januari 2008)