Brunei Aims To Join Least Corrupt In World

Bandar Seri Begawan - Brunei Darussalam is aiming to join the ranks of least corrupt countries in the world.

Even though the number of corruption cases has shot up to 76 last year compared to 57 in 2006, the Director of Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) Pg Kasmirhan Bin Pengiran Hj Tahir feels corruption cases are very much under control in the Sultanate.

He hopes to see Brunei, ranked in the top ten of "clean" countries in the world. At the moment Brunei is not included in the index of Transparency International because to be included a country needs data from at least three surveys.

Brunei at the moment has data from only one survey by the World Bank. Thus, the bureau is working with Transparency International to he ranked along with other countries in the world.

The director said the bureau hopes to see Brunei ranked as high as Singapore at ninth.

Meanwhile, according to the statistics revealed during a press briefing yesterday at the ACB by Pg Kasmirhan, 64 out of the 76 cases in 2007 have been investigated.

The briefing was also attended by Abang Haji Kifrawi bin OKPSD Abang Hj Abu Hanifah, Acting Deputy Director of Anti Corruption Bureau, and other senior officers.

There has been a drop, however, in the number of complaints/information received by the bureau since 2005. In 2005, a total of 203 complaints were received, which stood at 244 in 2006 and 195 in 2007.

Despite the advent of technology, anonymous letters remain as the top source of information received by the bureau. Last year 54 anonymous letters were received, down from 92 received in 2006.

The bureau also received 46 complaints in 2007 compared to 43 in 2006. The third top mode of complaints came through telephone at 38 in 2007 compared to 24 in 2006.

The director said the bureau is working towards enabling members of the public to channel information through ACB‘s website.

The director urged members of the public to come forward if they have any information on corruption activities and assured informers or those channelling the information would be legally protected.

Information received from the public are put through a "Jawatankuasa Menilai Aduan" or complaint evaluation meeting where decisions are made on the type of action that needs to be taken.

There are some cases, known as "trap cases", where there is an immediate need for investigation to be opened.

Actions taken from the meeting in 2007 led to 55 open cases investigations, 40 discreet investigations, while nine were KIV (kept in view).

Actions were taken in 14 cases after the completion of investigations in 2007 and referred to the prosecutor, which was slightly higher compared to last year‘s 11 cases. Nine more were referred to the ministry or department in 2007 as against 18 in 2006 and 37 were closed without any action taken in 2007 compared to 28 in 2006.

The director said last year they had taken a new approach with the help of the prosecutor (depending on the circumstances) where offenders were given a written letter of warning and put in their personal record. Two such cases were recorded in 2007.

He also quoted His Majesty‘s titah on corruption which he said shows that Brunei has a strong political will and it (the titah) have sent a powerful message.

He urged members of the public to shun corruption and warned that the bureau has zero tolerance on corruption.

The Anti Corruption Bureau has three strategies to combat corruption: through investigation via strong legislation and tough enforcement; through enhancing community ties/ education including the production of drama series, lectures, roadshows and exhibitions; and through a joint cooperation with Curriculum Department, Ministry of Education to include prevention of corruption education in the national curriculum.

The formation of a good governance centre highlighted by the director last year is still in the process of being set up

Globally, ACB is part of the International Association of Anti Corruption Agencies and the United Nation Convention Against Corruption, which was signed in 2003.

The ACB is working with the Attorney General‘s Chambers to study the convention for its possible ratification.

Source: (4 Januari 2008)