Call To Change Mindset About Islamic Graduates

Bandar Seri Begawan - Employers should not look down on university graduates who hold degrees related to Islamic studies.

This observation was made by the Deputy Rector of Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA), Dr Hj Mohd Yusop bin Hj Awg Damit, yesterday.

Touching on the issue of unemployment among graduates with such degrees in the country, he said that there are still some employers who do not have high confidence when it comes to hiring them.

"There should not be any doubt on the (capability) of graduates with religious-related degrees," he said, adding that UNISSA structures its programmes to the needs of the current market.

In light of this, UNISSA has plans to introduce biotechnology studies such as Applied Science in Food Technology in the near future. According to Dr Hj Mohd Yusop, this will support the Brunei Halal brand initiative.

He explained that the biotechnology programme would not only be focussed on food but also in other areas such as `Halal` pharmaceutical products.

A new campus will be needed to make this project a reality, he said, explaining that the campus currently does not have the space to accommodate more laboratories and other necessary provisions such as hostels.

"The location for the new campus has been identified and we are now currently waiting for approval," he said. Commenting on an opinion by a public member who was frustrated over the poor marketability of Islamic graduates, Dr Hj Mohd Yusop insists that they are just as adaptable as any other graduate.

He encouraged graduates with degrees related to Islamic studies, who are currently unemployed, not be too choosy when it comes to accepting job offers.

They should also be open to the idea of seeking employment outside of Brunei Darussalam, he said, adding that they could work for embassies or associations that have ties with countries around the Arab region.

On August 6, 2007, UNISSA began its first academic year with 152 students who enrolled for various degree, Master`s and PhD programmes. More than half of the lecturers at UNISSA are international staff.

At UNISSA, students are equipped with ICT skills and will also be attached at various industries. Islamic finance, business information system, entrepreneurship, management sciences, multimedia, IT and Islamic civilisation are just some of the minor electives that UNISSA has to offer.

Source: (11 April 2008)