Donors affirm support to Mindanao dev`t plans

Mindanao - THE donor community has reaffirmed support for Mindanao`s peace and development, citing the need to move the peace process forward and harmonize convergence of foreign aid in the island.

At the recently concluded 2008 Philippines Development Forum, donors agreed to address the need to pursue a negotiated peace settlement between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and improve harmonization of Official Development Assistance (ODA) as priority agenda for Mindanao.

In his closing statement, Bert Hofman, Philippines country director of World Bank and PDF co-chair, said addressing conflict in Mindanao is critical in alleviating poverty in the poorest regions.

"Participants agreed it was imperative for the government and the MILF to continue (the) pursuit of a negotiated settlement of their conflict," Hofman said, citing the results of forum discussions. This, he added, "would permit the full development of regional agricultural and growth potential."

He further noted as positive development the ongoing review of the 1996 Peace Agreement with the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF).

Citing conflict cessation as a key to poverty reduction, improving donor coordination is seen to be a critical mechanism particularly in the delivery of donor assistance in conflict areas and impoverished communities.

"Donors agreed to work through a unified strategy and mechanism for conflict-affected areas so that assistance is used effectively during and after the peace process," Hofman said, adding that peace-building efforts and community-driven development programs "have shown great promise in delivering the much needed basic services in poor and conflict-affected areas."

During the forum, some of the major donor agencies renewed commitment for continued support to peace and development initiatives in Mindanao.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAid) affirmed its support to the government`s peace and development agenda by focusing on improving education in conflict affected areas in Mindanao, while the European Commission said it would support on improving the health sector.

Likewise, the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) said it would work with relevant parties to build the foundation for peace in Mindanao.

Also in the pipeline is Japan government`s plan to invest capital and technical assistance in Mindanao through the Japan Bangsamoro Initiatives for Reconstruction and Development (JBird) project.

"The overwhelming continued support of our donor partners and a stronger voice in the Philippine Development Forum (PDF) offers a major impetus and stronger commitment in our collective pursuit of the Mindanao peace and development agenda," said Undersecretary Virgilio Leyretana, chair of the Mindanao Economic Development Council (Medco).

Leyretana also shared that Medco was able to initiate a convergence mechanism of Project Management Offices (PMOs) with implementing units in Mindanao to develop a "community of practice" for the sharing of lessons learned and good practices in local peace-building with other donor projects, media, and local government units (LGUs).

Hofman also said strengthening the capacity of the local governments is critical to the peace and development efforts in Mindanao.

Source: (10 April 2008)