Forum focuses on developing, cascading BSC

Bandar Seri Begawan - A forum on `Developing and Cascading the Balanced Scorecard: Issues and Challenges` was yesterday held at the Seameo Voctech Regional Centre in Gadong.

The half-day forum is part of Seameo Voctech`s on-going training programme on `Using Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System,` which is a course for VTET (Vocational and Technical Education Training) administrators conducted from March 24 until April 12.

It was specifically designed to provide opportunities for academic interactions on the use of balanced scorecard (BSC) as one of the tools for effective management amongst VTET managers in the Seameo countries, including VTET practitioners in Brunei.

Nearly 70 participants attended the half-day event - comprising 17 course participants from Southeast Asian countries and the remaining are administrators and educators from Brunei as well as officers from local institutions such as the Ministry of Education.

The invited guest speaker was Permanent Secretary (Higher Studies) at the Ministry of Education Haji Daud bin Haji Mahmud.

Haji Daud spoke of the Ministry of Education`s Strategic Plan for 2007 - 2011 and underscored that by 2035, the ministry wishes to see Brunei Darussalam recognised for the accomplishment of its well-educated and highly skilled people, the quality of life and the dynamic, sustainable economy.

He noted that in the process of working towards achieving these aims, "we will be united in our loyalty to His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam and to the country, our beliefs in the values of Islam as well as our traditional tolerance and social harmony."

He highlighted that the key performance indicators would be Brunei`s educated and highly skilled people as measured by the highest international standards, quality of life that is among the Top 10 nations in the world, and a dynamic and sustainable economy with income per capita within the Top 10 countries in the world.

The forum concluded with a question and answer session with the participants.

Source: (10 April 2008)