More libraries built to inculcate reading habits

Brunei Muara - The latest community library - Sengkurong Library in Kg Sengkurong in the Brunei-Muara District - is expected to open some time this year.

It is the fourth after Kg Pandan library in Belait District, Muara and Kg Lambak Kanan, which are all situated within village areas.

The construction of the building has been completed, but the actual date of the opening is not yet known, said an officer contacted by the Bulletin yesterday.

The establishment of more libraries are in line with the Government`s aspiration to produce knowledge-based society, with the vision to progress in all aspects of life.

Library services are not only focused on people in urban areas but also in rural areas, with the setting up of reading corners at longhouses throughout the country.

The reading corner is aimed at providing rural community with access to information and at reducing the knowledge gap between those in rural and urban areas.

The Language and Literature Bureau of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports will continue its efforts to increase the number of reading corners in the rural areas by equipping with books and magazines as reading materials. The books will be changed every quarter.

Recently, the Language and Literature Bureau set up a reading corner at Mendaram Besar Longhouse in Labi.

Source: (10 April 2008)