Recite the Quran with heart & mind

Bandar Seri Begawan - Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) organised a Maulidur Rasul celebration at the Chancellor`s Hall, Universiti Brunei Darussalam.

The guest of honour was Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohammad bin Pengiran Haji Abdul Rahman, Deputy Minister of Education and UNISSA rector.

Dr Hajah Masnon binti Haji Ibrahim, Acting Rector and chairperson, said that the ceremony was a show of love and respect for Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

She urged those who attended to always remember the prophet by reciting the selawat. Her speech was delivered in Malay and Arabic.

Dr Ayman Abdel Raouf Saleh,Dean of the Faculty of Syariah and Law,UNISSA, presented a special lecture on "The Quran: How they(the Prophet and His early Followers) read it and how we do".

He said that proper recital of the Quran should involve the tongue, the mind and the heart as the Quran is intended to influence the actions of the reciter and if it does not, then nothing is gained nor is it fruitful and the reciter may be punished.

He also said that reciting the Quran should be done in a calm and composed manner and not be done in haste, as this will improve memorisation and retention of the holy verses.

He touched on the phases in which the Quran was received and the methods in which it was delivered to the prophet.

The prophet`s mission according to Dr Ayman, was to teach the contents of the Quran and promote good ethics and morals to mankind while the Quran itself is intended to explained everything in this world, to give guidance, as well as mercy from Allah and bring glad tidings to believers as well as bring light to the darkness in every aspect of mankind.

A Dikir Marhaban followed by members of UNISSA and finished with a doa selamat.

Source: (5 April 2008)