Singapore Continues to Inculcate Racial Harmony

Singapore - Singapore continues to inculcate racial harmony by improving interracial relations, including between the other races and the minority Malays.

Today, 24 non-Malay students were adopted by 10 Malay Muslim foster families in a homestay programme organised by the Harmony Centre of the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) and Language Centre of the Education Ministry in Bishan.

"The programme is aimed at enlightening the participants on the life and culture of the Malay families," said Education Ministry`s Senior Parliamentary Secretary Masagos Zulkifli when launching the programme at the An-Nahdhah Mosque here today.

He hoped the participants would interact and forge new friendship with their foster families in an effort to enhance their understanding of Muslims. Masagos said the exposure could nurture mutual respect and improve interaction in a courteous and responsible manner in a multiracial and mulreligious society.

He said a participant who joined the programme last year, Toh Jia Yu was full of praise for the programme in her article which was published in a Malay daily, Berita Harian of Singapore.

She was mesmerised by her experience and the opportunity to forge friendship with a Malay family and marvelled at the open house and visits during Hari Raya Puasa as well as their traditional attire. Jia Yu experienced the Malay Muslim culture and their relationship prevailed, said Masagos, adding that participants treasured the gifts from their foster families.

Source: (14 April 2008)