Dikir Competition for SOAS Mosque celebrations

Bandar Seri Begawan - The Sultan Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Mosque is set to celebrate its golden jubilee on September 26, this year.

As part of the activities leading up to the celebration a Dikir Syarafil Anam was held yesterday.

Present as the guest of honour was Pengiran Seri Wijaya Pengiran Haji Ahmad bin Pengiran Mohd Yusof, Senior Assistant President of Adat Istiadat Department, Brunei Darussalam.

The ceremony began after the mass Magrib prayers with the customary recital of the Surah Al ‘Fatihah by Begawan Pehin Khatib Haji Hamidon Bin Begawan Pehin Siraja Khatib DPSS Haji Abd Hamid.

Three teams from across the nation comprising of more then 20 men were invited to perform during the Dikir Syarafil Anam competition. The Nurul Taqwa team began with the ‘Dikir Assalamualaikum‘ followed by the Al - Barakah team with ‘Dikir Khairuman‘ and the Mohammad Bolkiah Mosque Team with their rendition of ‘Dikir Bisahrin‘.

A short break was observed to make way for the mass Isyak prayers and continued with Nurul Taqwa performing ‘Dikir Barat‘ and ended with the Mohammad Bolkiah Mosque team showcasing ‘Dikir Asrakal‘. The event ended with the doa read by Mudim Haji Ahmad Kasra bin Haji Ibrahim.

According to Mudim Hj Amran Hj Mohd Salleh, Assistant Secretary of the Joint Executive Committee for the celebrations, the competition is one of many activities lined up as the nation draws closer to the golden jubilee. By Hj Ahmed Shaheeb

Source: http://www.brunei-online.com (July 07, 2008)