Dozens of Indonesia`s dancer performed in ASEAN arts forum

Jakarta - Dozens of Indonesian dancers from nine provinces who performed at the Gedung Kesenian (arts building) in Jakarta on Tuesday night had opened a new page in history of the strengthening of friendship among ASEAN member countries.

The dancers who performed in the first function of Best of ASEAN performing Arts entitled "The Mosaic Archipelago" came from the provinces of Jakarta, North Sumatra, East Nusa Tenggara, East Kalimantan, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Riau, East Java, Bali and Papua.

The Inaugural Best Performing Arts taking place on May 6-7, was jointly opened by Culture and Tourism Minister Jero Wacik and ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsiwan by striking the drum.

The arts and cultural event was also attended by several foreign envoys and diplomats from friendly countries.

Minister Jero Watjik in his address said the idea to hold the Best of ASEAN Performing Arts series came from Secretary General of ASEAN Dr. Surin Pitsuwan at the third meeting of the ASEAN ministers of culture and art held in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar on January 12, 2008.

The Best of ASEAN Performing Arts is not only a perfect forum to sustain, preserve and develop culture, but also to create promote understanding and respect for each other`s diversity and richness of culture, Jero Watjik said, adding that culture can bridge individuals, ethnic groups and nations in harmony and tolerance.

Secretary General of ASEAN Dr. Surin Pitsuwan in the opening ceremony of the arts function among other things expressed his appreciation to Jakarta for hosting the first Best of ASEAN Performing Arts as well as the ASEAN Secretariat General`s Office since 1973.

ASEAN groups Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam.

On the occasion Surin also expressed sympathy about the cyclone disaster in Myanmar where the death toll has reached 22,464 on Tuesday. Myanmar`s state media reported, the number of missing reached 41,054 and the injured 6,708.

Jero Wacik told Antara that some new foreign ambassadors expressed their amazement when watching the various dances comprising Lenggang Nyai dance from Jakarta, Marpangir dance from North Sumatra, Tifa dance from East Nusa Tenggara, Hudog dance from East Kalimantan, Rapai Saman dance from Aceh, Japin dance from Riau, Ngremo dance from East Java, Legong Kraton from Bali and Mambri dance from Papua.

The dances were held in the first session, while Wayang Ajen from West Java and Interactive Angklung (musical instrument made of bamboo) appeared in the second session.

A great number of angklung instruments were awarded to all attendants as gift at the end of the show.

According to Surin Pitsiwan, Singapore was interested in hosting the second event on the occasion of this year`s ASEAN anniversary in August.

Source: (8 Mei 2008)