Exciting Events For Royal Birthday

Bandar Seri Begawan - The nation will be a hive of activity for the next two months. July 15 is the much-awaited date for the citizens and residents of the country. From now till the end of August, pomp and pageantry will mark His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam 62nd birthday.

Among the highlights of the celebrations are His Majesty‘s visits to the four districts to allow the people to greet and convey best wishes to the caring monarch; Knowledge Convention 2008 carrying the theme "Menghayati Negara Zikir"; float procession; Borneo Tug-of-war and regatta and powerboat competitions and fireworks display.

This was disclosed in the "Sutera 2008" magazine that highlights the festive programmes and activities to mark the benevolent ruler‘s 62‘ birthday at the national and district levels. The magazine was unveiled last Tuesday.

To kick off the events after the flag-hoisting ceremony last Tuesday, the congregation of prayers, the ‘Tahlil recitation and thanksgiving prayers and recitation of Surah Yasin will be performed on the eve of the monarch‘s birthday on July 14 to seek blessing, mercy and guidance of Allah the Al-Mighty for the monarch on this auspicious occasion.

May Allah grant His Majesty a long life, strong faith, good health and tranquility and continued success in his leadership and pursuit to bring peace and progress to the nation.

The royal visits to the four districts which traditionally draw huge crowds begin in Tutong on July 17 at the Community Hall Complex Field, followed by in Belait on July 19 at Municipal Field, Brunei/Muara on July 20 at Taman Hj Sir Muda Omar Ali Saifuddien and finally Temburong on July 22 at the Community Hall Complex Field.

In the Belait District, the monarch and members of the royal family are expected to witness a performance entitled "Sejambak Doa Memberigakan Kasih" which literally means a prayer to disseminate love and affection.

The get-together in the Brunei/Muara District will see the final of tug-of-war in the heavyweight category as well as demonstrations of self-defence, martial art and wushu.

The grand finale will feature performances to highlight the theme. The prize presentation for the lightweight and heavyweight tug-of-war competitions will also be held.

Temburong will showcase cultural heritage gallery as well as the field performances.

Festive “Tamu” selling all kinds of delicacies will start on July 15 till July 31 at the parking space opposite the Royal Regalia and Silver Jubilee Park in the Brunei/Muara District. Entertainment and cultural shows will also take place.

For the Temburong District, the focal point will be Taman Perayaan, Gerai Tudong Saji in Belait. While the empty areas near the Community Hall Complex will be the focal point in the Tutong District.

Other highlights will be a beach festival at Muara Beach on July 27 (Brunei/Muara), "Pesta Rakyat" at the Community Hall Complex Field in Temburong on July 27 at 8am, river festival at 7.30pm at the wharf in Bangar town, "Pesta Perayaan Rakyat" on August 10 at Sam at the Community Hall Complex Field in Tutong and "Classic Raft Festival Competition" on August 17 at the Cendera Kenangan monument area in Belait.

The float procession and Borneo Tug-of-war are on July 26 at 8pm at Taman Hj Sir Muda Omar Ali Saifuddien, while the fireworks display will be on July 15 at 8pm at Damuan Recreational Park and empty are near Community Hall Complex, Tutong on Juky 19.

Other highlights include baby show, martial arts, domestic science and handicrafts events, and cleanliness and landscaping competitions. By Azlan Othman

Source: http://www.brudirect.com (July 03, 2008)