Government Denies Malaysia Facing Worsening Racial Polarisation

Kuala Lumpur - The government today refuted claims by the opposition of worsening racial polarisation in the country.

Minister in the Prime Minister`s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz, in refuting such a claim by Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timur), said the government believed that race relations in the country was not that bad to have worsened racial polarisation.

"Nevertheless, we must always be on guard so that the prevailing peace and stability does not come under threat by any action that could cause disunity and misunderstanding among the people," he said in his written reply to Lim in the Dewan Rakyat here.

Lim had also asked about the steps taken to achieve the objective of Bangsa Malaysia in line with Vision 2020, in view of the racial polarisation problem which he claimed to be worsening.

Mohamed Nazri said rhetorics with racial undertones from any racial group would only cause tension and thwart efforts at forging national unity.

He said national unity and integration were a major aspiration of the government and that a strong nation was the result of the people`s strong unity.

Mohamed Nazri also said that the government was working hard to ensure rapid and continuous economic development in the country and that no one group was left out of mainstream development.

"It also works at building a sense of belonging among the people through the education system, national unity programmes, National Service training and various incentives.

"The government believes that it is capable of building a peaceful, united and prosperous nation if all quarters work together at building unity that is genuine and solid," he said.

Source: (June 25, 2008)