Loren urges gov’t to pour resources in Mindanao

Manila - Sen. Loren S. Legarda yesterday called on the government to focus its resources in Mindanao, particularly on the island provinces of Basilan and Sulu whose people need education and skills development to improve their social and economic conditions.

Speaking at the "Kapihan sa Maynila" at the historic landmark Manila Hotel, Legarda said the peace and order situation of Mindanao, including its island provinces, can still be considered normal but was disturbed by the kidnapping of broadcast journalist Cecilia "Ces" Drilon, two of her cameramen and a university official.

Drilon and her group were released after nine days of captivity by armed men after reportedly paying ransom. Most of their captors were young rebels.

"Look! I have a son who is of the same age (as the young rebels) but my son is holding a book while the other young boy was holding a gun. There we can see the extreme difference," Legarda said.

"The situation is a wake-up call for all of us. The social and economic condition of these people living in the jungles of Sulu must be given priority by our government through sustained skills training, especially among the young people to keep their mind busy with things that will provide them a better future and not to become criminals," she added.

Government programs aimed at improving the socio-economic lives of the people and assisting the young people to gain skills so that they can prepare themselves for jobs should be undertaken, she said.

She urged that the government immediately set up a barangay-based skills training center in every barangay in Sulu, Basilan and other parts of Mindanao where extreme poverty exists, adding "this must be given priority."

Weaving, farming, fishing and other skills can transform many young people from this region into productive and law-abiding citizens and later lead as community leaders in their own communities, she said.

She noted that government and foreign funds continue to pour in Mindanao and the island provinces, but added that this must be felt by the people and the government must sustain its efforts to closely supervise the implementation of the programs and its developmental effect to the people and look into how national and foreign funds are being spent for the purpose.

Also yesterday, Legarda assailed some quarters for criticizing her role during the negotiation for the safe release of Drilon and the three other hostages.

"I was not alone in the negotiation and am not claiming the sole credit because I know others have contributed a lot and did their share to effect the safe release of Drilon and her companions," she stressed. "It is lamentable that those who criticized me did nothing nor lift a finger to help from the captives and the others," she added.

Legarda condemned those whom she said are sowing political intrigue and malicious insinuations on the release of Ces Drilon and her companions.

"Ces and her companions went through pure hell and stared death in the face at the hands of their captors," said Legarda, who was credited by Drilon for being their "lifeline" in negotiating their safe release.

"Thus, to make Ces and company victims twice over by these rumor-mongers is too much. Justice is best served by the filing of cases against the kidnappers sans the circus and fanfare we are seeing now," she stressed.

The senator said the kidnap victims are being made to take an "emotional roller-coaster ride" by the unsubstantiated and irresponsible talks. "They have had enough of that in Sulu, so please spare them that here in Manila," Legarda added.

Based on her numerous experiences in negotiating the release of captives, including broadcast journalist Arlyn dela Cruz and then Major Noel Buan, Legarda said the freed victims need time away from the spotlight so they may enjoy the company of their loved ones. By ROY C. SINFUEGO.

Source: http://www.mb.com.ph (June 24, 2008)