Malay Solidarity Congress Hands Over Resolution To Sultan Of Johor

Johor Baharu - The resolution passed at the Malay Solidarity Congress, which concluded here Sunday, was handed over to the Sultan of Johor, Sultan Iskandar, at Istana Bukit Serene.

President of the Federation of National Writers` Associations (Gapena) Prof Emeritus Tan Sri Ismail Hussein said he, together with four other members of the Congress, had handed over the resolution to the Sultan of Johor.

It contained demands encompassing aspects concerning the constitution, politics, economy, Islamic religion, Malay language, education, social and culture, as well as the setting up of the `Malaysian Malay Solidarity Council` (MMMM).

The three-day congress was held with two objectives, namely to create a Malaysian nation based on Malay sovereignty and loyalty to the Malay Rulers, he told reporters at the Johor International Convention Centre (Persada), here.

The Congress, themed "Malay Sovereignty As The Axis For The Existence Of The Nation", was attended by 2,100 participants and 200 Malay non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

Ismail said among the demands of the constitution were to uphold the rights, privileges and position of the Malays as enshrined in the Federation of Malaysia Constitution while the political demands included requesting the Council of Malay Rulers to discharge its duty and responsibility to defend the Malay sovereignty.

The Congress was held following the results of the 12th general election on March 8 which had created several dilemmas for the Malays.

Source: (6 Mei 2008)