A modern dilemma for Tok Perak

Kuala Lumpur - Based on Syed Alwi`s original play, Tok Perak: Yang Mencari Dan Menanti — Drama Sepintas Lalu continues the saga of the Malay medicine man.

The play Tok Perak: Yang Mencari Dan Menanti — Drama Sepintas Lalu will be staged at Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka in Kuala Lumpur from today until Sunday (8.30pm nightly).

The play is based on the original play Tok Perak by playwright Syed Alwi which was written and staged in the `70s.

It is about a medicine man from the rural Malay heartland named Tok Perak who peddles his wares on the streets.

His medicine supposedly promotes virility, making him a popular figure.
Tok Perak: Yang Mencari Dan Menanti — Drama Sepintas Lalu sees Tok Perak in a quandary as he has not changed with the times.

Though he is sincere in selling his medicine, he is thwarted by government agencies and society which preach virtues that are alien to him.

This play stars Sabri Yunus (Tok Perak), Angeline Tan, Zaibo and Rozita Rohaizad.

Syed Alwi`s last theatre outing was Keris, staged last year.

“I have always been writing. I don`t have specific reasons for making changes (for Tok Perak). I just feel the need to travel back in time, and express a current thought in my play,” said Syed Alwi after the play`s preview.

Syed Alwi hopes to portray the cultural lives of the Malays through his plays

“When I was studying overseas, I used to tell my friends about the interesting facets of Malay culture, such as mak yong, wayang kulit and menora. But when they come here to catch it, it`s hard to find such performances anymore.”

Like the earlier Tok Perak, syair and gurindam recitations (syair and gurindam are traditional Malay poems) are retained, alluding to the erosion of such traditional values in modern Malay society.

“When my mother nursed me, she recited the poems. I hardly ever hear them being recited among Malays today,” he said.

At nearly 80 years old, Syed Alwi admits that he is less able to direct plays compared to his younger days.

“What doesn`t change is that I always write. The only other problem I have is the need for sponsorships for my plays.” By Sharifah Arfah

Source: http://www.nst.com.my (June 26, 2008)