PM: No open forums on `Malay supremacy`

Putrajaya- Open forums discussing the purported social contract and "ketuanan Melayu" (Malay Supremacy) will have negative repercussions and should not be held, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

He said Malays would not like such things to be discussed, adding that no one loses if the two sensitive issues were not debated.

"I feel there is no need to discuss these issues because it gives rise to various reactions from the Malays, including creating animosity and racial tension.

"I do not understand where the loss is if these issues are not discussed. No need to discuss," he told reporters after launching the Bumi Hijau Campaign here on Sunday.

Abdullah was commenting on an open forum to discuss the social contract and Malay supremacy organised by the Malaysian Bar Council on Saturday.

Abdullah said the social contract that had been implemented and followed since Independence 50 years ago was well understood. By V.P. SUJATA

Source : (June 29, 2008)