Singaporeans love their food

Singapore - Try engaging in a casual conversation with a Singaporean and you’ll soon find the all-consuming topic of breakfast, lunch or dinner being inevitably whisked into the discussion.

Not to be mistaken as a cultural tendency towards ‘gluttony of excess’, the passion Singaporeans share towards food is closely knit to the very heart of society – community.

Here in Singapore, you’ll find that eating out is more than just a common affair; it’s very much a communal affair as well.

Popular local food haunts like Lau Pa Sat are often frequented by Singaporeans, who take the opportunity to spend time with friends and family over a great meal at all times of the day.

And the local cuisine scene boasts an amazingly wide array of dishes, thanks to the nation’s multi-cultural background.

In fact, it’s normal to see Singaporeans of various ethnicities sitting together at a common table, enjoying a spread of dishes that equally reflects the culture’s diversity.

Think Chinese food is all about stir-frying? Try the laksa – a popular spicy noodle soup dish that combines Chinese and Malay elements into one mouth-watering bowl, guaranteed to leave an unforgettable impression.

Hawker centres and food courts are great places to find delicious local fare at affordable prices. Just remember to observe some basic local etiquette.

Tissue packets on tables often mean that the selected tables have been reserved by someone, so it’s considered rude to remove the items and to sit at the ‘reserved’ table.

Likewise, utensils from non-Halal stall shouldn’t be mixed up with those from Halal stalls, out of respect for the religious beliefs of many Muslim Singaporeans.

Source: (July 04, 2008)