Discussion on Malay literature at DBP

Bandar Seri Begawan - The Language and Literature Bureau (DBP) held a meeting to discuss Malay literature amongst local writers at the vicinity of the bureau yesterday.

The main agenda of the discussion was to provide a platform for writers, critics and practitioners to come together and raise issues pertaining to Malay literature, where the Bureau can then lend a helping hand in tackling, solving or take into consideration the suggestions and critiques raised.

Questions and issues were directed to Dr Mataim Bakar, the Director of DBP, along with a panel of officers from the Bureau, who then tried their best to answer them.

According to Dr Mataim, the Malay Literature community is not that big in Brunei, but what has already been rooted should be strengthened amongst practitioners and writers by holding continuous activities and workshops. He also said that cooperation between all involved parties is also important in making this a success.

A number of questions and suggestions were raised, one of which was the consideration of making Malay theatre a blooming cultural activity in Brunei. Dr Mataim mentioned that talent needs to be dug up for this, particularly from students who are currently taking Malay literature as a chosen subject.

Another issue raised was on the importance of DBP as a role in exposing writers not just through written media but also through visual media such as radio, television. By Zasika Musdi

Source: http://www.brunei-online.com (July 11, 2008)