Tutoh Dam Can Affect Mulu National Park`s Heritage Site Status

Kuala Lumpur- Sarawak plans to build the Tutoh dam may affect the Mulu National Park‘s status as a World Heritage Site, said an environmentalist.

Centre for Environment Technology and Development Malaysia (CETDEM) Chairman Gurmit Singh told a news conference today that the proposed dam might submerge parts of the Mulu National Park.

The Tutoh dam is part of 12 new proposed hydroelectric projects in Sarawak to meet its future industrialisation needs.

"We have been reliably informed that the Director of the World Heritage Center has requested the Malaysian authorities, via its permanent delegation to Unesco, to clarify this situation on June 25.

"(It wants Malaysia) to provide further information on the hydropower plans to the World Heritage Center for review and comment by the World Conservation Union.

"Till today, they have yet to reply and that has been nearly a month ago," he said.

Gurmit Singh also called on the government to advise the Sarawak government to be cautious and not to rush into the development of energy intensive industries.

The firebrand nature lover said the repercussions to the environment with the development of Sarawak‘s 12 Dam project could be severe and irreversible.

He said the Sarawak‘s 12 Dam project was a reflection "on the shortsightedness and gaps in the nation‘s energy and environmental policies."

"The plan illustrated an energy planning strategy that is supply driven and inconsistent with the principles of sustainable development.

"It makes little sense to build 12 additional dams since Bakun Dam has the capacity to generate three times the amount of energy that is currently consumed by Sarawakians," he said.

Gurmit Singh said he was also willing to engage the Sarawak government in an open dialogue on the project.

Deputy Energy, Water and Communications Minister Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum had said that the dams were necessary to meet energy demand.

The dams will be located in Ulu Air, Metjawah, Belaga, Baleh, Belepeh, Lawas, Tutoh, Limbang, Baram, Murum and Lanau rivers.

All these are in addition to the 2,400MW Bakun dam and will push the total generating capacity in the state to 7,000MW by 2020.

Source: http://www.bernama.com (24 Juli 2008)