Brunei hopeful in Jordan for Quran contest

Bandar Seri Begawan - Brunei delegation left the country yesterday to participate in the 16th Al-Quran Memorising, Reading and Translating Competition, organised by the Hashemite`s Government, in Amman, Jordan.

Representing the Sultanate in the event are Ustaz Haji Muhd Tarmizi Haji Mahmood as head of delegation and Qari Awang Mohd Wahyuni Haji Mohd Mansor, a student at the Institut Tahfiz Al-Quran Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah.

The competition runs from September 20-26.

Meanwhile, present to bid the delegation farewell was religious officer Awang Haji Ismail Haji Mohd Arshad from the Eminence Development Section at the Ministry of Religious Affairs, who advised the participant to try his best in presenting his reading and memorisation, while act as an ambassador of the country and have good rapport with other contestants.

Ustaz Haji Muhd Tarmizi expressed hope to at least retain last year`s third spot while admitting that the competition will be quite challenging.

He also said Qari Awang Mohd Wahyuni underwent intensive training prior to the competition, and heard a motivational talk to spur his confidence by Ustaz Pengiran Haji Amiruddin.

The project by the Ministry of Religious Affairs is hoped to provide exposure to the representatives at international level while improving the performance level at the the Institut Tahfiz Al-Quran Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah. By Lyna Mohamad

Source: (September 19, 2008)