Brunei`s Beauty Overwhelms Noted Lensman

Bandar Seri Begawan - Members of the Brunei Nature Society and University Brunei Darussalam (UBD) lecturers enjoyed a lecture on the photography of nature in Borneo by Mark Hessels of the Panaga Natural History Society.

In his presentation, Mark shared his experiences on nature photography in Borneo. "When I first came to Brunei, a bit more than four years ago, I did not really know what to expect. I had read several books about tropical nature and devoured almost every documentary available on the subject, but none of them prepared me for the overwhelming experience of being drenched with the sounds, scents and lights of the tropical rainforests," he said.

Mark will be leaving Brunei after four years working for BLNG, where he was seconded to work on the Heart of Borneo project for several months, and being involved in the running of the Panaga Natural History Society during his free time.

"Not long after my introduction into this new environment, I started carrying around bags full of photographic equipment in a feeble attempt to capture some of this infinite beauty," he said. Mark recently completed a book about the birds of Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak entitled "Winging the Bornean Skies", due to be published this month. The lecture, an ongoing activity of the organization, was also a get-together of its members and was held in UBD.

Source: (September 11, 2008)