City Gains New Cultural Center

Jakarta - Art lovers in the capital, especially those who live in southern Jakarta, will have more opportunities to enjoy art performances with the establishment of the Salihara Community on Jl. Salihara in Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta.

"We observed that people in South Jakarta often went to Ismail Marzuki Park or TIM (in Central Jakarta) or Utan Kayu Community center (in East Jakarta) to enjoy art performances, like theatre or dance," said the founder of Salihara Community, Goenawan Mohamad, after an informal opening on Friday.

"Those places are actually too far away, considering the worsening traffic jams in the city. So, we want to provide a cultural center that is more accessible.

"The establishment of the community is also aimed at encouraging people living in South Jakarta, Depok and its surroundings, to be more involved in the arts," he said.

Goenawan said the location of the community was strategic because it was next to a busy road and near universities and schools.

Salihara is located near Pasar Minggu bus terminal and not far from Jatipadang busway shelter.

Goenawan said Salihara Community was equipped with sophisticated facilities and spacious theater halls.

"We have a blackbox theater which can accommodate about 300 audiences. It is soundproof and has a modern and sophisticated lighting and sound system," said Goenawan, claiming that it was the first blackbox theater in Indonesia.

"The unique thing about the theater is, there is no stage, so the artists are more flexible and free in performing a play.

"Salihara also has a rooftop theater, a round-shaped gallery, a bookstore, a library and artist house. The complex was designed by three architects -- Adi Purnomo, Andra Matin and Marco Kusumawijaya," he said, adding that the Salihara Community will be officially opened on October 17.

Salihara community curator board member Nirwan Dewanto, hoped that there would be more new artists exhibiting their talent through the cultural center.

"We also welcome residents around the area to come and enjoy the arts performances. They can also hold art activities like painting practice. For old artists, we hope the new community will encourage them to show something new to the public," said Nirwan.

The establishment of Salihara Community was well received by nearby residents.

Chaerudin, a neighborhood community head, said the cultural center gave a chance for residents to perform local arts.

"When the art center is officially open, my friends and I plan to propose to perform a Betawi traditional performance called Palang Pintu (a mix of quatrain and pencak silat martial arts)," said Chaerudin.

"Palang Pintu is an almost extinct culture and we, Betawi people, want to preserve the arts. I hope the community will accept our idea," he said.

Salihara Community is under the management of Utan Kayu Foundation, which also manages Utan Kayu Community.

The community includes Kalam cultural journal, Radio 68H, the Liberal Islam Network and the Lontar Gallery.

In the future, Utan Kayu and Salihara will share international events, like International Literary Biennale.

Source: (11 Agustus 2008)