Exchange Students` Grand Gala

Subang- AFS Antarabudaya Malaysia celebrated its 50th anniversary in a grand style with about 500 guests attending a gala dinner at the Holiday Villa, Subang.

Most of the guests, AFS students and their parents, dressed in stunning black and gold, had a great time performing various international cultural dances.

In the true spirit of what AFS stands for, the students and its alumni promote inter-cultural learning through worldwide exchange programmes for students and professionals.

Antarabudaya Malaysia national director Atty Sulaiman said the dinner was a special evening to celebrate and respect the differences among global citizens for the achievement of a more peaceful world. “This annual gala is an opportunity for the gathering of AFS participants and former participants from 1957 to this year.

“It has brought together AFS partners, host families and volunteers.”

AFS inter-cultural programmes are the largest network of international exchange programmes in the world.

In October 2007, AFS celebrated the 60th anniversary of its high-school student and teacher exchange programme, which was started by American Field Service volunteer ambulance drivers who had served in World War I and II.

So far, more than 350,000 students and adults have been exchanged, and a similar number of host families have participated in the programmes.

Rosey Ma was one of the proud mothers whose four children had participated in four different countries as part of the AFS programme.

“By living in four different countries, my children have acquired a better understanding of other people and an appreciation for interdependence through carrying out joint projects.

“They have learned to manage conflicts and respect the values of other races through mutual understanding.

“By living overseas my children were also able to cope with a new environment and better develop their personality.”

She added that the AFS provided inter cultural learning opportunities to help people develop knowledge, skill and understanding needed to create a more just and peaceful world.

Source: (14 Agustus 2008)