Malaysia, Thailand Agree To Develop Border Areas

Penang - Malaysia and Thailand have agreed to develop the border areas of both countries and enhance cooperation in ensuring peace, security and stability.

Army field commander Lt-Gen Datuk Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor said the two countries also discussed resolving the common problems therein and promoting matters of mutual interest.

"We will continue to work closely and intensify efforts to ensure peace and stability in the border areas," he told reporters after the 90th Regional Border Committee (RBC) meeting with his Thai counterpart Lt-Gen Viroach Buacharoon, here.

He said the meeting, attended by about 90 delegates from both countries, deliberated and noted with satisfaction the progress report of activities undertaken during the period under review from Jan 16 to July 15, carried out by six working groups in the RBC.

"The six working groups will concentrate more on joint activities such as point psychological operations, joint border patrols and the coordinated border post," he added.

The six are the Intelligence and Psychological Operations, Land, Combined Naval, Air, Border Management and Disaster Management working groups.

Source: (August 07, 2008)