Military Relations Between Malaysia And Singapore Remain Strong

Singapore - Military cooperation between the Malaysian and Singapore armed forces remains strong despite some occasional glitches in bilateral relations between the two countries, said Malaysian High Commissioner to Singapore Datuk N. Parameswaran.

"The relations between the two militaries are at a very comfortable level," he said at a reception held on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Malaysian Armed Forces here Tuesday night.

He said though the two neighbouring countries were seen now and then at loggerheads, the two armies were quietly conducting bilateral military exercises somewhere in Malaysia.

Singapores Chief of Defence Forces Lt Gen Desmond Kuek was the guest-of-honour at the reception, which was also attended by several Singapore top military officers, foreign military attaches and advisers, and diplomats.

Defence Adviser to the Malaysian High Commission Kol Abd Rahim Sainon represented the Malaysian Armed Forces.

The High Commissioner said since he was posted to the city-state more than five years ago, the cooperation between the two militaries was closer as many efforts had been made by both sides to strengthen it.

He said many Singapore military officers had attended training and courses in Malaysia and vice-versa, and they also interacted with Malaysian personnel in various social and sports events organised jointly by both parties.

Parameswaran said apart from bilateral exercises, both militaries were also active in multi-lateral exercises such as under the Five Power Defence Agreement and in peacekeeping missions.

Meanwhile, Kuek said he was delighted with the cordial relations between the two armed forces, adding that he hoped they would continue to work closely together and develop a strong defence cooperation and friendship.

He also said they should not only "strengthen the breath and depth of relations between the two armed forces but also further develop the relations between people to people of the two countries".

Kuek said the two countries had a long history which was intertwined and they were inseparable. By Zakaria Abdul Wahab

Source: (September 16, 2008)