Muslims Shop For Aidil Fitri Preparations

Kuala Lumpur - With the Aidil Fitri approaching, shopping destinations in the city are crowded with Muslims shopping to prepare for the big day.

A survey by Bernama to areas in Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Jalan Masjid India and Jalan Raja Laut found the place congested.

For ladies looking for something special to wear on Raya morning, the E-Mystic Enterprise at Jalan Masjid India which specialises in Malay dresses, like kebaya and baju kurung, is a hit.

The owner, Jun Yahya, who has been in business for 15 years, said the dresses sold at her shop included from Vietnam, China and Indonesia.

Mohammad Ridzuan, 21, who operates a stall selling "Baju Melayu" said the "Baju Melayu Teluk Belanga" and "baju Melayu Cekak Musang" at his stall are sold for RM90 each.

"The price is the same as that of last year," he added.

Mohammad said consumers are more careful with their spending this time around.

"I notice that they`ll come in the morning to survey the price and then return in the evening to buy the Baju Melayu at my stall. It must be because the price at my stall is the lowest," he added.

A trader specialising in sports wear and children`s clothing in Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Mohammad Lailatul Zainal, 22, is holding a "Malam Raya Specials` for his customers.

"That night, there will be special prices for all clothings sold at my shop," he added.

While some traders enjoy lucrative business during Ramadan, there are also a few who are unhappy.

Mohammed Tousil, 22, from Pakistan, said business was not good this year and attributed this to the location of his stall.

"People just pass-by my stall because it is blocked by other stalls," he added.

Mohammed, whose stall sells shawls and scarves, said that on a good day, he was able to make sales of about RM1,000 last year.

Source: (September 14, 2008)