Nasi briyani takes Terengganu by storm

Kuala Terengganu - Penang‘s tantalising nasi briyani has made its way to Kuala Terengganu‘s Mydin Mall for the month of Ramadan.

The aroma of marinated chicken and beef rendang coupled with side dishes fermented in curry leaves, blended masala and turmeric powder is sure to make shoppers take the delicacy home for buka puasa.

This delight is the fastest-selling item and hundreds of take-away boxes are snapped up in minutes.

The nasi briyani, popularly dubbed as rasa manager, as attributed to Mydin Terengganu senior manager M. Murugiah, who doubled as a chef for Mydin during the fasting month.

Murugiah, who grew up in Penang, coached local cooks on the dish which uses a secret family recipe.

“I have been cooking the dish for 20 years and have the recipe to make it savoury,” he said in an interview.

Murugiah mooted the idea of selling nasi briyani to show gratitude to shoppers for their support.

He said the masala powder was handpicked to ensure the dish preserved its Penang flavour.


Source: (September 18, 2008)