Pantai Kundur folk stir up charity feast

Malacca - Over 300 residents of Pantai Kundur helped prepare 22 pots of bubur lambuk (porridge) to be given away to the less fortunate in conjunction with the month of Ramadan.

The gotong-royong cookout saw volunteers divided into 22 groups taking turns to prepare the porridge that was later packed and distributed.

Held at the Tangga Batu Pekan mosque on Sunday, the cookout was the fourth to be organised by residents there in as many years and was the largest giveaway of the traditional Malay porridge in the state so far with over 3,000 packets distributed.

Pantai Kundur state assemblyman Datuk Ab Rahaman Ab Karim said the event was jointly organised by the Pantai Kundur Community Development Centre, the Malacca State Tou-rism Action Council and the Tangga Batu Pekan mosque.

“About RM6,600 was spent on the ingredients for the porridge alone.

“We decided to continue preparing it the gotong-royong way as a means of preserving the Ramadan tradition practised by our forefathers,” he said.

The porridge, a must-have for Muslims during the fasting month, usually comes with ingredients such as meat, vegetables and nuts.

Source: (September 26, 2008)