RI expo in Moscow yields promising results

Jakarta - An Indonesian Expo which was officially opened last week in Moscow has started to show success as cooperation plans designed in one-on-one meetings are generating high hopes, the Foreign Ministry said.

In its official report on the expo here Tuesday, the ministry said the meetings between Indonesian suppliers and Rusian buyers had been scheduled in an orderly way and ran well.

Even though the exhibition was not meant for retail buyers, 700 people visited it on the opening day to obtain information about Indonesia and enjoy a batik fashion show and exotic dance performances.

M. Aji Surya, counsellor for public affairs at the Indonesian embassy in Moscow, said about 100 potential buyers had talked about cooperation opportunities with exhibitors at the two-day event.

Russian company Lishelle held a serious discussion with PT Mustika Ratu about purchasing or distributing the Indonesian company`s products and establshing a franchise system in Russia.

EFKO discussed opportunities to invest in CPO and RBD factories with state owned plantation company PTP VIII.

EFKO which had recently completed an oil refinery in the Black Sea region stated its capability to purchase 60,000 metric tons of CPO per month. While showing enthusiastic interest in doing business with Indonesia, EFKO was also careful in proceeding further because it lacked information about investment in Indonesia.

Carbon Company from Saint Petersburg met with PT Sari Segar Husada on the second day of the exhibition to discuss purchasing early stage of carbon activity and a water treatment plant. A next meeting was scheduled to reach a deal.

Hamid Awaludin, Indonesian ambassador to Russia said that he was content of the rising business contacts in the embassy.

"It is not a retail market. We expect to attract the transactions in a big number with Russian businesspeople," he said.

On September 26, CEOs of Russian companies would have a business luncheon with the head of the Investment Coordinating Board, Muhamad Luthfi and in the evening there would be a fashion show. The day before, Russian tourism practitioners would meet Indonesian culture and tourism officials to discuss opportunities in Indonesia.

Source: http://www.antaranews.com (September 23, 2008)