Building ties in the wilderness

Putrajaya - Malaysia and Singapore will introduce a wilderness programme for schoolchildren from both countries to better understand each other.

The matter was agreed upon during an hour-long meeting between Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and his Singapore counterpart, Dr Ng Eng Hen, here yesterday.

"This programme will provide an opportunity for children from both countries to understand each other in the context of co-curriculum activities, culture and others," Hishammuddin said.

"On our side, we will identify programmes that allow young Singaporeans to understand our children. This is vital for the future.

"Neighbours who understand each other better will have enough of a comfort zone to face economic challenges, climatic changes and others."

He said it was important for children from both countries to know that Malaysia and Singapore could not be "separated".

"Our forefathers had that relationship because of our shared history. They went to the same schools and met the same challenges.

"Today`s generation does not have this opportunity. We will continue to nurture this through educational programmes and link-ups with Singapore."

Hishammuddin said Singapore was more than willing to work with Kuala Lumpur to enhance educational collaboration, adding programmes contained in a memorandum of understanding signed last year would be expanded.

Source: (October 14, 2008)